NEO APICUSALUD Director, Designer, Producer, Creative, Healing with Bees, Researcher and Leader in the Art of Healing.
CREE IS TO CREATE. All in the mind and faith.
Apitherapy is The Basic Points of Acupunture. If you want to relieve your ailment through this technique Bees Heal. Communicate APICUSALUD, Reliable and Available.
Alejandro Jodorowsky.
The healing properties of honey have been used for thousands of years by man. Today Apitherapy, recognized in several countries Chile, Germany, California, Cuba, Canada, Australia has a boom. But what is the Apitherapy, how does it work? What diseases can be treated?, What are their interactions? Are some of the questions we answer below in this note.
Discovering Apitherapy.
Although there are several products that are extracted from a hive for human consumption (honey, propolis, pollen and wax), the area of Apitherapy has been developed clinically, is used by the bee venom medicinal uses. Especially in the treatment of muscle aches, arthritis, critical diagnosis to diseases such as multiple sclerosis.
In Chile, where the latest research on the properties of bee venom directed toward treatment. They check that the bee sting stop AIDS, cancer and diabetes. But the virus is branched and only 99 % healed. But Only is 1 % in the blood systema branched.

Apitherapy Functions as a powerful regenerating muscle tissue, tendons, cartilage, joints and vertebrae. Producing high changes metabolic, hormonal, immunological, psychological, nervous heart, vitanimico blow, up the defenses, increases muscle strength, decreased levels of anxiety.
Apitherapy works directly in the center of the pain. With natural Anesthesia Ice to dissolve the pain of the bite, the ice produces a map which shows the unbalanced picture. The bee venom works 3 and 4 days in the Blood Systema the patient and takes a week recovery. But the first 3 days the pain goes away. THE APITOXIN (Works 15 by 15 inches long and wide, more or less an entire hand.)
Truth is Apitherapy? Causes pain, swelling, burning, warmth, itching, irritation and dehydration. But these symptoms are the benefits of bee venom. As Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, incrementation of Memory, sexual power. It is recommended before each session, eating and not take any kind of drug that alters the bee venom. Is advisable to each paciende after therapy, drink lots of water and not to touch or scratch. For women with their period. The Apitoxin or poison generates more pain, but stabilizes emotions and their monthly period.
Apitherapy Is so powerful and effective, the patient does not need to take any medication. But when the disease is very advanced and the pain is intense and unbearable. keep taking the drugs authorized medical diagnosis is the best way to reduce pain and decrease the dose gradually. To stop the medication completely. When the antecedent appears is when the pain goes away.
Apitherapy (Moments before starting a session) Bees healing, are selected to put them in a jar with honey to nourish and transform the poison. Pontencializando its therapeutic qualities. Since honey is the only food in the world that does not decompose and is an excellent sicatrizante.
Apitherapy With bee sting, under the first point of Acupuncture. Intestines are then separated and bee sting. To mark orderly 3-5 points with the same needle. The amount of poison that the patient needs very little and time remaining and the bite is no more than 5 seconds.
Apitherapy The maximum applied bites in the midst of pain, are 25 to 30 bites. But are the last sessions, where the patient shows his recovery tolerance to the sting, your stress levels decrease and your tolerance increases.
Apitherapy In the First sessiones the Apitherapeutist. Has an obligation to inquire and investigate allergic history, related to bee stings. The therapy lasts one hour. The Session are there each week and a maximum of 15 sessions.
Apitherapy This means that has a limited number of sessions and the pain disappears. But many patients recover in 4, 5, 7, 8 session. But depends on the patient, pain tolerance and how long has the disease. The amount of sessiones you need.
Apitherapy. The bee lasts 48 hours without the sting. Before dying. After each session, put on a healing bee container with brandy. To make a medicine with your intestines and continue healing the patient. This do to fill the bees in his 100% and allow the patient to heal faster and have more tolerance to the toxin.
Apitherapy works as a powerful welder lazer or bones. Because pain and welded short, forlateze the muscles, tendons, cartilage, vertebrae and muscle tissues. It is recommended that patients begin treatment to test the producctos of bees (honey, royal jelly, pollen and beeswax as creams)
Apitherapy have avid real cases, where the bee venom can heal in the first session. Diseases such as depression, paralysis and eye problems.
In the case of AIDS, Cancer and Diabetes are 50 sessiones, for a whole year. These diseases can be treated in time, provided that patients do not have the disease so deteriorated.
In Chile, these diseases are treated children over 8 years and with the authorization and supervition of their parents.
Apitherapy Activating the adrenal glands, and pituitary Pinial. Producing Self-healing. Only 5% of the population is allergic to bee stings, this can be detected through a test that lasts only a couple of minutes.
Apitherapy Is the basics of Acupuncture points are used in an orderly manner according to the meridians. If you look at a world map, really orizontales and vertical stripes, Called meridians.
Apitherapy The latest discoveries of treatment with bee venom, include animals and birds, which do not show any symptoms and recovery is much faster than humans.
Allergic to Apitherapy. The only way to stop a bee venom poisoning or serious allergic box. Apipen or float with vinegar or moist snuff, the affected area. If the person has a history of allergic and unable to breathe, vomiting, dizziness and symptoms mentioned above.
Apitherapy It is important to note that in many countries worldwide. Apitherapy works with hospitals, clinics and People and Naturopaths, Traditional medicine or holistic.

Apitherapy If spades pain area and start danana massajear the same area with the poison of Apitoxin. You might heal faster and the muscles and bones are composed. But it is recommended that the poison is activated and causes pain, inchazon, heat, swelling and burning Increased. But as we said earlier the symptoms are the benefits of bee venom.
The number of sessions in any disease depends on the illness of the person and the development achieved.
What is the mission ? about Apitherapy , the Beekeepers and Environment.
Many people ask me , if healthy people with the Bees . "I'm a killer of Bees ".
It may be true or not.
The true reality is not this.
If there were all beekeepers , bees would already be all disappeared . The Beekeeper has the obligation to protect the bees , the Environment and the reproduction of beehives.
Strengthening beehives , giving them medicine, food and Advocating your home and environment. Really people do not think , that the bees get sick , they have it or not have the strength to work.
Simply is full of enemies who want to steal your products and destroy their beehives . For Example : Rats , snakes , worms , ants , cockroaches , spiders and birds.
It is important to know that bees drawer home , work 5 km to the round and help throughout the environment , plants , trees , rivers , birds , animals and humans. Preserving environmental playback speed .
What is it based Apitherapy?
It stimulates the pituitary, adrenal glands and corticosteroids are hormones produced by the body that perform various important functions self-healing.
It is 100 times more potent than hydrocortisone anti-inflammatory, increases memory, analgesics.
That is a Apipen?
EpiPen® (epinephrine) 0.3 mg and EpiPen Jr® (epinephrine) 0.15 mg Auto-Injectors are for the emergency treatment of life-threatening allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) caused by allergens, exercise, or unknown triggers; and for people who are at increased risk for these reactions. EpiPen Jr are intended for immediate self administration as emergency supportive therapy only. Seek immediate emergency medical treatment after use.
Risk and Severity
Factors that increase the risk of having a life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) include. Exposure to certain allergens (triggers) such as food (eg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, eggs, and milk), stinging or biting insects (eg, bees, ants, and ticks), latex, and medications (eg, penicillin) for those who may be allergic.
How can we help?
Viral: herpes.Rheumatology: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic arthritis, spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, tennis elbow, bursitis.
Cardiovascular: hypertension (chronic and acute), arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, varicose veins.
Lung: chronic pulmonary obstruction, emphysema, asthma.
Senses: loss of hearing, vision, glaucoma, diplopia, iritis.
Orthopedic: promotes healing of bones.
Psychology: Depression.
Endocrine: increases the amount of sperm in bulls U. Penn (Dr. Alan Benton).
Nervous System: analgesic.
Anti-Cancer: survival increases lymphomas ratones. Is a protective agent against radiation X, (Shipman, published in the journal Nature, 1,974).
As Origuinan Raumaticas diseases, according to Apitherapy?
Reaumaticas diseases are origination by Alimenticion disorders, childhood trauma, frustrations, depressions and bad minds. What then are manifested in organisms (muscle, joints, tendons, cartilage and vertebrae.) But we can also connote. All types of accidents, injuries, sprains, paralysis and breaks.
In the most psychological of Apitherapy, we can say that the most damaging symptoms is the negativity of Patients.
Connote important. They generate poor posture, stress, deconcentration, tiredness, irritation, fatigue, depression, sexual problems and diseases. But this is because it pumps less blood to the heart and cardiac systems, system sanguinio, organic system.
¿Origins and History of Apitherapy?
Apitherapy began as part of traditional medicine, Hippocrates wrote about Apitherapy and the Chinese 2000 years ago.
The Chinese discovered that bees know Acupuncture points and their sting is similar to the needle. The Needles, was the first invention Created by man on earth. It was created to be clothes and heal wounds. Apitherapy was discovered in observing the behavior of animals, insects and the environment. It was also found the similarity of Martial Arts, adrenal gland, pituitary Pinial, measurement with the sea, Called Meridians . It is as old as beekeeping. Apitherapy is the mother of Acupuncture and the father is the Bee.
Acupuncture for the record that is more technological, scientific, clinical and prodigious scholar these two mentioned above. But only Apitherapy has all the nutrients in the needles venom. In the case of Acupuncture needles has not nutrient. But it is more pure and advanced.
The only difference between scientific and proven Apitherapy and Acupuncture are years old, study, research and proven results. As we can show that apitherapy was discovered 130 years ago.
A more current on Apitherapy, specifically the venom, was initiated through the efforts of Australian physicist Philip Terc in his published results in 1888: "Report about a Peculiar Connection between bee stings and rheumatism." Its popularity is due to more recent Charles Mraz (1905-1999) a beekeeper in Vermont, USA Over the past 60 years. Carlos Magno is healed with bee sting (April 2, 742-28 de janeiro of 814)
Apitherapy and Training, The basic points of Acupuncture.
BEEKEEPING (honey, royal jelly, propolis, wax), sales of natural products, therapy at home, cleaning, sterilization and order.
If you want to relieve your ailments through this technique.
Contact :
The Basics Points of Acupuncture.
BEES (royal jelly, honey, propolis, wax) sale of natural products, home therapy, cleanliness, order and sterilization.
The Apitoxin, or bee venom, known has the following components:
Is responsible for the pain and itching after being stung by a bee. It has powerful bactericidal and cytotoxic properties.Produces the symptoms of inflammation through the release of histamine. It stimulates the pituitary to release ACTH, which stimulates the adrenal glands to produce cortisone, head of the body's response to the self-healing.
It is 100 times more potent as anti-inflammatory than hydrocortisone.
Leads to the release of histamine that causes the symptoms of inflammation (swelling, itching, redness and heat).Increases memory.
Ca channel blocker and dependet K. reinforces the long-term synaptic transmission.Shortened action potential duration of nerves.
Hyaluronic acid dissolves connecting the cells, making it more permeable tissue or extracellular space. This facilitates the transport of the healing substances and disposal of wastes or toxic substances from the damaged area.Dopamine (Neurotransmitter)
It is a neurotransmitter that increases motor activity. It is deficient in Parkinson's patients and psychotic patients execiva treated with neuroleptic drugs. Dopamine and Serotonin along with other catecholamines are implicated as factors in depression.Adolapin:
It has an analgesic effect.In the case of multiple sclerosis bee venom is not a cure, but stops its progress.
The number of sessions in any disease depends on the illness of the person and the development achieved.
Knowing also that diet and exercise are part of a welfare and prosperity in the lives of patients. As is the case of Beekeeping and all products (Honey, Propolis, Beeswax, Royal Jelly, Pollen and Venom or Apitoxin).
University Medical Center Georgetown (EE.UU).
Recently characterized a model of multiple sclerosis in rats showing promising results. Phase I of a study conducted at the (Georgetown University Medical Center) in Washington, DC, funded by the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA), was designed to determine the safety management bee venom treatment in humans with multiple sclerosis.
Other preclinical and clinical studies have begun to build the scientific evidence surrounding the use of bee products as a treatment for diseases.
Management of musculoskeletal pain (level of evidence A).
Management of arthritis (Evidence B).
Management of osteoarthritis (level of evidence B).
Contraindications Apitherapy?.
After each therapy, sting venom Patients
stays in for three days. You may not feel pain. It is advisable not to touch or scratch.
It is normal to become inflamed, redness and itching. Apitherapy generally does not work for people allergic, pregnant or patients with artificial heart (pacemaker).
stays in for three days. You may not feel pain. It is advisable not to touch or scratch.
It is normal to become inflamed, redness and itching. Apitherapy generally does not work for people allergic, pregnant or patients with artificial heart (pacemaker).

Royal jelly is a substance secreted by the hypopharyngeal glands of young worker bees head, between 5 and 15 days, mixed with stomach secretions and is fed to all larvae during the first three days. Only reaina bee larvae and queen cells that give rise to a new queen is fed royal jelly. It is a viscous mass of soft yellow and acid taste.
composition: The composition can be found almost 60 properties of water, sugars, proteins, lipids and ash. Contienevitaminas B1, B2, B6, B5 (bulk), B8, E and PP, and folic acid. Has, in addition, antibiotics, gammaglobulin, albumin, and amino acids (arginine, valine, lysine, methionine, proline, serine, glycine, etc.).. Furthermore minerals such as iron, gold, calcium, cobalt, silicon, magnesium, manganese, nickel, silver, sulfur, chromium and zinc.
Is energetic and stimulating the nervous system.
Improved cerebral oxygenation.
Regulates Digestive disorders.
Increases resistance to cold and fatigue.
Increases the hemoglobin content, leukocytes and red blood cells in the blood.
Slows the aging process and improves skin hydration and elasticity.
Increases vitality, longevity.
It stimulates the immune system by faster lymphocyte proliferation.
Its high content of carbohydrates, mainly in form of glucose and fructose make honey an energy food of high quality. To be absorbed, the carbohydrates are transformed into simple sugars such as glucose and fructose. Ingestion of honey allows therefore an immediate and intensive feeding of the whole muscular system, especially the heart, which quickly becomes glucose.
However, the fructose contained in honey is a slow digestive absorption sugar, which is attracted by the liver, where it is stored as glycogen for use when the body needs it. This energy source is very suitable for athletes, the body can absorb large amounts of honey and also facilitates the digestion of other foods.
It is also important for child development, as well as move quickly into the blood, exert a good influence on the assimilation of calcium and magnesium. Honey has a majority of the mineral elements essential to the human body. Knowing the importance of the biological functions played by these minerals is not surprising that honey is recommended as a substitute for other refined sugars only have energy value.In addition, vitamin C and several B group, in small quantities, but help to reach the minimum levels required, along with the rest of the diet.
Through all time, honey has been used as a remedy for health, sometimes consuming it and others, applied externally ascribed numerous properties.
Many authors support the theory that honey has medicinal properties of plants that came from, this has not been fully tested, but it is true that pharmacologically active substances found in some honeys.
A fully recognized property of honey is its antiseptic power, which together with its demulcent to make that honey is an excellent healer and protector of the skin, being very used topically on burns, wounds and cracks, with excellent results, using in hospital surgery (Cuba, Romania, Russia, Poland).
What is propolis?
Propolis is a resinous substance, gum and resin, viscous consistency, that bees obtained from the buds of trees and some vegetables, through their jaws, and then finish processing it into the hive with their secretions (waxes and salivary secretions).
Usually obtained from species such as willow, chestnut, oak, pine, cherry, poplar, birch, alder, juniper and some herbaceous plants.
But there is another theory: it is also said that propolis is a product resulting from the digestion of pollen, which is produced in a small organ that the bee has between the crop and midgut.
Anyway, these insects use propolis for coating the walls of the hive and keep it free of bacteria, fungi and other "invaders". In other words "clog" seal the hives.
Found inside the hive with propolis stuffed rats and butterflies rigid and covered by this substance. This is because thanks to the antimicrobial action of propolis there is no decomposition of the body that can create infections within the apiary.
The Hive, in fact, is one of the most sterile known in nature.
From the nutritional point of view, the chemical composition of propolis is complex and depends on the plant source. However, basically consists of a 50 to 55 of resins and balms, 30 - 40 of beeswax, 5 to 10 of essential or volatile oils, 5% pollen, 5% of different materials (organic and inorganic).
Along with this, have been identified over 160 compounds, of which 50% are phenolic compounds, to which are attributed pharmacological action.
The main phenols identified are:
- Flavonoids (flavones, isoflavones, flavanones).
- Aromatic acids and their esters (caffeic acid, cinnamic and others).
- Aromatic aldehydes (vanillin and isovanillin).
- Coumarins.
- Triglycerides phenolics.
Another group of compounds and minerals that are found in almost negligible amounts, which are very important in the biological activity of propolis and cellular metabolism. In this group, provitamin A and some B vitamins, especially vitamin B3 or nicotinamide, in addition to lactones, polysaccharides, amino acids and other substances not yet identified.
Propolis has a variable consistency depending on its origin and temperature. Up to 15 º C is hard and becomes softer and more pliable as the temperature increases. Its melting point varies between 60 to 70 ° C, in some cases up to 100 ° C.
Its color also varies. It goes from yellow to dark brown, going through a lot of brown tones. Depending on the plant may have brown to black.
Usually the smell is nice and sweet. In some cases predominantly vegetable smell, while other is stronger smell wax. Of course, when it burns out a fragrance of aromatic resins. Does your taste? ... rather bitter.
Packaging extract is marketed as oils, tablets, creams or used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. It is important to be stored in a cool and dry in tightly closed containers.
Propolis is the resin of the bees, extracted from plants to cover and protect the hive, studies have shown its benefits especially as anticancerous.
Properties attributable to Propolis:
anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, antihepatotoxic, healing, among others. is important to confirm its importance as anticancer properties attributed to it is for this reason that we refer to the scientific literature, the efficacy of propolis in the treatment of this disease and how is that propolis and its components act to produce these effects.
Beeswax - A useful and valuable product (a)
The wax is the material that bees use to build their nests. It is produced by young bees secrete as the liquid through their wax glands. On contact with air, the wax hardens and forms small flakes of wax on the bottom of the bee. Roughly one million of these flakes means a kilo of wax. Bees use it to build their combs of hexagonal cells as efficiently structured and rigid. They use these alveoli to store honey and pollen, the queen lays her eggs in them and the new bees are raised inside. The wax is produced by all species of honey bees, although the waxes produced by different species of bees have chemical and physical properties slightly different.
Quality of Beeswax.
Beeswax gets its value from its purity and color. The light color is worth more than the dark because the latter, by its color, may have been contaminated or heated. The thinner the cast is removed from the cap, ie the layers of wax with which the bees honey cover when it is ready. This new wax is pure white, the presence of pollen gives a yellow color.
With pollen nutrition allows any human being to live longer and better than when fed to dairy products, meats, fruits, vegetables and grains, plus it feels more sexual power, strength and without danger of getting fat but to consume in excess.While honey is the source of carbohydrates in the diet of the bees, pollen is their protein source. Pollen grains mixed with honey and saliva of bees are the "bread of the bees."
Components of Pollen.
- There is in the nature 22 essential amino acids. There is only known food that contains the 22: Pollen. The average amount of protein by weight is 25, or three times more protein than beef.- Water 6 to 17.- Minerals: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, vanadium, chromium, cobalt, chlorine, zirconium, beryllium, boron, zinc, silver, tin, gallium, strontium, iodine, barium, silicon, aluminum, manganese, molybdenum , iron, copper, tungsten, gold, iridium, palladium and platinum. - Carbohydrates 13 to 37.- No food animal or plant has so many vitamins A, B1, B3, B12, B6, C, D, E, H, K, P.- More than eight flavonoids.- Plant hormones.- Organic acids.- Enzymes.- Polar lipids, monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides, free fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic), hydrocarbons and alcohols associated, sterols, terpenes and nucleic acids.
The Mapuche, are excellent beekeepers and their management Apicola more connection to their environment and Mother Earth (NUKE MAPU). Make your sophisticated Beekeeping is not a predator.

Cheu PULE MULEY AYUN ........................... Where is our Love
Cheu PULE MULEY NEWEN ........................ Where is our inner strength.
NUKE OR MAPU LLASKULEN ................... Mother Earth has sorrow.
Muche ALKN ¿? .............................. ...............Did you answer the Heart?
Pullu KUSE ..................................... ................old lady who does not see.
MULEY DOMO FEULA AYUN ................... Today love is born.
WAGUN, TRALKAN, KURRUF .......... ........rain, thunder, wind.
Winka UTRENU cold ............................... ......traitor.
AYUN inche ................................................... I'm in love.
Chaw Ngenechen ............. ...............................God lonco wise father.
CANELO FOLLE .................................... .....sacred tree.
TRUFKEN, TROMPE .................................. Ashes instrument for love.
FELEY, PULIU Lafken ................................. Okay, spirit of the sea.
FELEY, RAKISUAN LLANKATU ......... ....Okay, essential sense of colors.
ASPAWE DOMO Wentru thread ................. Hila, a young woman.Dream .
Kual Peuma MAPU........................................ around the earth.
Inche popen, AYUN ......................... .............I love you, love.
AYUN, ANTU, Relmu, NEWEN .................. Love, sun, rainbow and inner strength.
KO, Lafken, KUME RAKISUAN, ............... waters, seas, good thoughts,
MAPU Kual ......................................... ........Around the earth.
Inche Poyen, AYUN ......................... ............We want love.
MEW TUKULPAN NEWEN TANI ........ ....On the strength of memory.
Moseley TA MAPU .......................................Earth lives.
KELTRALEN inche, AYUN ........................ I'm sick, without love.
EPU MCHIÑ LAHUEN PIÑEN MAPU ... ..We're both the remedy of the earth.
Popen inche MULEY, EIMI .............. ...........I want to do with you.
KINE WUE MAPU KUPAÑE ................. ...A new land called.
LATIN AMERICA....................................... Latin America .
CHALTUMAY ........................................ ...THANK YOU.
Inche popen, AYUN ......................... .............I love you, love.
AYUN, ANTU, Relmu, NEWEN .................. Love, sun, rainbow and inner strength.
KO, Lafken, KUME RAKISUAN, ............... waters, seas, good thoughts,
MAPU Kual ......................................... ........Around the earth.
Inche Poyen, AYUN ......................... ............We want love.
MEW TUKULPAN NEWEN TANI ........ ....On the strength of memory.
Moseley TA MAPU .......................................Earth lives.
KELTRALEN inche, AYUN ........................ I'm sick, without love.
EPU MCHIÑ LAHUEN PIÑEN MAPU ... ..We're both the remedy of the earth.
Popen inche MULEY, EIMI .............. ...........I want to do with you.
KINE WUE MAPU KUPAÑE ................. ...A new land called.
LATIN AMERICA....................................... Latin America .
CHALTUMAY ........................................ ...THANK YOU.
RAYEN .................................... FLOWER.
Feula seumaiain fasted ............. (now learn to love)
Antu Kom, kom points ................. (all day, all night)
Ule niaymi Peuma Kine ........... (a dream will tomorrow)
Hey my incy piñein feula .............. (and you as it is now)
Kom fasted ........................................ (with love)
Dome che newen ........................... (woman with inner strength)
PADAWAN piñen inche .......... (my name APPRENTICE)
Kine, epu, kula, mely, Kechu ........... (1,2,3,4,5)
Kayu, regie, Purra, tylla, marri ...... (6,7,8,9,10)
lig, brio, Kofol ........................... (white, purple, dark light)
Kew, Kurru karru, ehod ............ (red, black, green, yellow)
kull kull, keyen ..................................... (called the moon)
folil, tromu, antu, Relmu, rangleu ......(root, cloud, sun, rainbow, stars)
Kuler Wenan ñi Piuke .................. (sad is my heart)
fasted kutranlen .............................. (lovesick)
Eymun may machi ........................ (you my wife medicine)
Lawen Inche ..................................... (I remedy)
Katri pacheka mollfun ................. (another part bleeds)
Feula purrun karru Pitrén kom...... (Karru Pitrén dance now)
Rayen kupule Wuan ..................... (sits my Flower)
Feula sulrain fasted ........................ (now talk about love)
Welken ............................................... (young right-handed)
Mapu Wual purrun ...................... (the earth rotating dance)
May alliulen .................................... (if I'm content and happy)
Chaltumay ....................................... (THANK YOU)

Beekeeping is seasonal cycles. It is important for beekeepers to understand. In tropical regions is more difficult to notice the seasonal cycles because there is no period when the colony is completely inactive.
The annual cycle of the colony is divided into three periods: the rise, honey flow, and scarcity. In temperate regions these periods are well defined, with only one period per year. But in the tropics and subtropics periods are variable and more than one type may occur on an annual cycle of the colony.
The flowering of plants, and more importantly, the nectar flow, are influenced by seasonal climate changes. The colony responds to these changes. When both sources of pollen and nectar are plentiful, the colony is encouraged to raise more brood and the colony population grows. When the sources decreases, the number of breeding slows and the population is reduced.
The period of increased.
Pollen and nectar sources increased rearing increases the population grows.
The lean period. Pollen and nectar sources increased breeding population decreases low.Both pollen and nectar are necessary to stimulate brood-rearing. If there is only one of the two, the colony reduces brood production, and stores the incoming food. Food stored maintain the level of brood production but do not stimulate an increase in breeding.
For a high level of hatched it takes a large influx of food. Depending on the amount that enters the hive, the workers vary the amount of food they give to the queen. This determines their ability to lay eggs. To control the amount of breeding in times of scarcity the workers also eat the eggs or larvae less.
Colonies of small populations put more emphasis to sit at the store. These colonies tend to use the inputs to produce bees build honeycomb. They have a high proportion of breeding, adult, for that within the hive many adults are needed to care for the brood and maintain the nest temperature.
When the population of a colony grows, the ratio of brood to adults decreases. After a certain number of population (40,000 with under temperate European bees) the ability to lay eggs the queen also decreases. More bees are freed from duties within the hive to forage. The colony then shifts emphasis to honey storage.Beekeeping includes an understanding of the seasonal cycle of the colony and a manipulation of the colony so as to obtain a large adult population coincident with the large influx of nectar of the place. The success of this results in maximum production of honey for the beekeeper.
The beekeeper can take best advantage of higher nectar flow having the maximum adult population during the time he runs the nectar. But these conditions are also optimal for swarming. A colony that swarms before the nectar flow usually does not produce surplus honey with the influx. Instead, as the population of the colony is decreased because of the swarm. the colony uses the flow to replace its population. For good beekeeping calls for maintaining the colony in a position to the point of swarming. but controlling the swarm. It is impossible to prevent all swarming, but with certain ways of managing the colony can be reduced to minimal or controlled.

Strong colonies are also important for beekeepers who want to use the colony to pollinate certain crops. To this end, it is preferable when the crop is flowering have a colony that is strong but still increasing the population to the peak. Because these colonies are very young, require a lot of pollen. So the bees seek pollen harvest.
Nectar flows are safer in temperate climates. There is usually a main flow of a sequence of plants that lasts several weeks, normally in late spring and early summer.
In tropical and subtropical there is often a main flow with several children. The beekeeper is interested in the main flow, which often comes after the heavy rainy period, or may come after the first rains following a long dry period. In these regions it is more difficult to predict flows. The beginning and the end of the rains are highly variable from year to year.
The relative unpredictability of nectar flows in the tropics makes it difficult for the beekeeper to prepare the colonies.
To produce maximum honey flow, colonies should increase before the main nectar flow, and not during it. The colonies grow in population during the main nectar flow usually produce little surplus honey for the beekeeper. Since it takes six weeks for an egg is metamorphosed into adult from collecting, preparing stocks for the main flow must start six to eight weeks in advance.
In temperate regions the period of scarcity is related to the cold and the total absence of food for the colony. The bees form a cluster to keep warm, and live from the stores of the hive. Stop cramming for a period.In hot weather, there is never a shortage of food completely, and there is some good weather throughout the year for flying bees. The time of scarcity in these regions occurs during the rainy greater when you have the following conditional less flowering, nectar quality is low (low in sugar), and bad weather to fly. The sources of pollen are sometimes abundant during periods of nectar shortage. The breeding is reduced during times of scarcity, but it seldom in strong colonies in the tropics and subtropics.
The different character of the periods of scarcity is the main difference between beekeeping in temperate climates and in warmer regions. Through the period of scarcity in the tropics and subtropics, the colony is still active.

Plans for the ManagementThe growth and welfare of the honey bee colony depends on:
the ability to lay eggs the queen;
the ability of the worker population to maintain favorable temperature the brood nest and feed the brood (ie size and age of the population of workers);availability of nectar and pollen (or honey stores during periods of scarcity).
space in the appropriate sections of the hive to expand the brood nest and honey storage. *[* Productive management of honey bee colonies, CL Farrar, American Bee Journal, vol. 108, nos. 3-10. ]Bee management plans are intended to increase or improve these components. The level of sophistication of a beekeeping operation determines to which extent the management plans can affect the components.In the high-tech beekeeping queens can be used genetically selected colonies can be fed sugar syrup and pollen supplements, and colonies can be moved seasonally to follow the nectar flows (migratory beekeeping). Such plans are not available to small-scale beekeeping projects or are impractical because of cost.
For the small farmer management plan is more practical that do not call expensive. The work is usually the cheapest component to them. The plans are intended to ensure sufficient storage space for the colony and depend only on the work.
Management plans that ensure enough honey in the hive for times of scarcity only depend on the recognition of its importance. It does not take no more effort or labor. Yet it is the most overlooked aspect of bee management (and therefore most expensive). The beekeeper is too often the worst enemy of bees.
The temptation to remove all the honey at the end of the honey flow is sometimes too large for the beekeeper. Removing honey and sell it yields immediate gains, leaving it in the hive for the use of bees during the period of scarcity is an investment for the future, or a deferred gain.
Enough to leave the colony during the period of scarcity ensures that the colony survives and is in good condition at the beginning of the next period of growth. Without sufficient storage, the colony may starve or may become so weak that it can be defended against looting.

Beekeeping which neglects this aspect of management could be called beekeeping "accordion". The beekeeper spends each era of increasing honey flow and increasing the number of colonies only to lose the most during the next period of scarcity. The accordion beekeeper ranges from a large number of colonies and a small number.The second management plan more practical for small-scale beekeeping projects is the manipulation of the hive. This is the handle of the space colony to increase or reduce where and when needed.
Good beekeeping = a good understanding of the cycles of the colony => manipulations at the right time => strong coloniesUnderstanding the cycle of the colony proper time to manipulate the hive grows with experience. It is the art of beekeeping.
The essence of development is the best use of the media. The essence of beekeeping development is the best use of bees and nectar plants.
Each apiary has its limits as the number of colonies of honey plants available, each beekeeper has a limit of time to devote to the care of the colonies. A beekeeping logically tries to use best nectar plants Ventada site with a minimum of well-managed colonies. Because strong colony produces more surplus honey this strategy minimizes the cost of equipment and reduces labor while increasing the harvest of honey.
Many poorly maintained colonies = colonies = less honey weak.Less well-maintained colonies but strong colonies = more = mielUn good beekeepers understand bees, recognizes the needs of the colony, and plans to meet those needs.
Sybarite and Padawan.